

Google Camera Port (GCam) 技術匯總

2019年6月17日 — 透過合成多張短曝光、曝光度不足的照片,除了能為照片帶來高動態範圍的好處、同時也能透過多幀照片中的色彩資訊「平均」,將畫面中的雜訊濾除。

GCam Port Finder

2024年4月14日 — Find GCam Port for your device model. If you are in need of a compatible GCam Port for your device, we recommend utilizing our extension.


If you want to improve the quality of the photos you take with your smartphone, downloading the GCam - BSG's Google Camera port APK is one of the best options.


免费地下载Android 平台的Gcam - Google Camera Port,它是来自开发商AndroidAppMiui 最受欢迎的应用之一。. 在Uptodown.com上找到它.

Google Camera

2023年1月20日 — What is the GCam APK Port? GCam Port is a third-party creation developed for the smartphones which aren't created by the Google Pixel series.

改善手機拍照品質~ 非官方的Google相機(GCam)APK安裝教學

2023年10月5日 — 網路上的GCam APK其實都是XDA、4PDA的開發者破解過的非官方版本。Gcam需要針對個別手機移植(port)才能正常運作,目前還沒有人發表「通用且開源」的破解檔 ...

Gcam - Google Camera Port

Install the app and get the recommended Gcam for your device. About this port: This is a modified Google Camera app, also known as Pixel Camera. Google Camera ...

Gcam - Google Camera Port


Recommended Stable Google Camera Port Versions

Notes: For Android 11 and above. For Android 9 and 10, see the section below (GCam 8.1-8.5). To avoid issues when seeing pictures from inside GCam, install the ...

Google Camera Ports Download

Modified Google Camera ports (Pixel Camera) by BSG, Arnova8G2, BigKaka, Shamim, and others. Download hub for GCam ports.